Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Living


       Every July, people across the Philippines celebrates National Nutrition Month with various activities which is led by the National Nutrition Council. National Nutrition Week raises awareness on the important role of food in our health, bad effects of bad eating habits and many more. The theme of this years national nutrition celebration is " Ugaliing magtanim, Sapat na nutrisyon aanihin".

       This means that this year,  we must focus on on the agriculture, fruits and vegetables. This aims to improve our health, food consumption, and be self sufficient with the use of agriculture.
       Having food gardens in our backyard also helps for our lifestyle. Food gardens helps as a source of organic fruits and vegetables. This also serves as an enjoyment for the family and strengthen their bonds together. I helps to improve the community's food security and also as a good source of additional income for the family.

       National Nutrition Month helps in educating the nation about the importance of making good decision about food and developing a healthy body and lifestyle. Through good eating habits and physical activities, the food that we eat and the lifestyle choices that we make makes a great impact on our health and to our beloved planet.


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