"Equal Rights, Equal Opportunity; Progress for All"

     Gender equality as well as gender opportunities and women's empowerment are fundamental to the global mission to achieve equal rights for all. Women's generally represent the majority of the worlds poor and face injustices stemming from gender discrimination.

       Gender stereotyping and discrimination remain common in all cultures and communities. Early and forced marriage, sexual abuse, and trafficking of young individuals are alarming and disturbingly prevalent. Seeing this on rise are alarming and causing and remains a cause for global shame. Experiences and our own eyes have shown that women can able to perform the same roles, standards, and under the same difficult conditions as their male counter parts.And in many cases women are better placed. Weather interviewing victims of violence working in women;s prison, assisting female ex-combatant reintegrated to civilian women have a great advantage.

     Today are world has progressed, education, social status are now given to women's. Tall buildings, high technology are one of the indication that the world has evolved. But behind this great achievement our society cannot hide the face of suffering that people experience.

      Women's are active and positive change agents. When given the proper resources and needs are capable of changing and improving their lives and the lives of everyone for the better.

    Hopefully by evidences and reports, we can work to bring out together about a more equitable world and improve ourselves for a better tomorrow. Let us work together, set aside the differences and focus on what we can do together.


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