A letter to Action

                                                                                                      Vigan City, Ilocos Sur                                                                                                                             July 12, 2018

Dear Mr. President,
          I know that being the President of this country is stressful and burdensome, and i know that you are doing your best to be a grateful leader of our country.

          I wrote this letter to you because, i want to know what solutions are the government doing to solve certain issues that our country is facing right now. Like our country's fast growing population, and the war against drugs.

          Being a citizen of our country; the Philippines, i want that every Filipino lives comfortably. But as you can see, Philippines population grows faster every day. And this continuous growth of the population may lead to the increase of crimes, poverty and malnutrition. Philippines as the map would say is not a big country that could supply and give the needs of its growing population. I hope that you and your government officials have a plans that would resolve this particular issue.

         The second thing i wrote this letter to you is about the drugs. In the past years, drugs had been used and misused by the Filipinos; especially illegal drugs. I am thankful to your actions that wants to lessen or remove the the user of illegal drugs in the Philippines. I know through this actions it will reduce crimes which is the fruit of the misuse of illegal drugs. The thing i want to address with you is the killings, the increase of death in our country. I believe that war on drugs must not be literally a war, it could be done through peace. If this continues, then what will be the use of the Human Rights in our country. I hope that this country is a place that is safe to live and everyone will be given the Rights they deserve.           
                                                                                                 Sincerely Yours,
                                                                                             Ralph Joemar T. Corpuz


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